Automated Bad Words Filtering APIs: Machine Learning Makes It Easy

If you want to know the best API for automated bad words filtering, read this article because here we will tell you all about it and much more!

The most popular APIs for automated bad words filtering are the following:

Content Moderation API: This API allows you to filter out any offensive words or phrases in a piece of text. It is useful if you want to moderate user-generated content or if you want to protect your users from offensive language. By using this API, you can quickly and easily filter out any offensive words or phrases in a piece of text.
The Content Moderation API uses a machine learning approach to identify offensive words in text. The API returns a confidence score indicating how likely it is that a given word is offensive. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the word is offensive. This API can be used for both live and historical content moderation. It also provides a list of offensive words so that you can manually review any content that was not automatically filtered.

Opinion Analysis API: This tool allows you to determine and analyse the opinions of the users. You can discover what consumers think & feel about your brand and what you can do to strengthen the emotional connection with them. You can also find out if their opinions help to promote your brand, or they are detractors of your brand or, maybe, they are indifferent at all. To sum up, you will be able to understand what is being said online about your brand and products and identify which consumers are emotionally connected to your brand. One of its main benefits is that you can see what is missing from your product/brand and what is being loved about it, and improve your marketing strategy based on these findings.

WordFilter: This tool will help you to scan text such as articles, posts, or comments posted on forums or chat rooms as they are submitted. It will automatically detect and censor (or change) words or phrases that are inappropriate. There are basic wordfilters that will erase parts of words without paying attention to the whole word or the context, and more sophisticated ones that will filter specific words or expressions that are not suitable for the text. This is beneficial because it will protect you and your company of publishing harmful content that may seem offensive to certain audiences.

Bad Words Filter API: This API allows you to automatically and instantly filter out any bad word from your input text by using the most advanced technology available today: machine learning. Bad Words Filter API uses cutting-edge technology to automatically detect and filter out all of the bad words in your input text. It also returns only the clean results so that you only receive the information you need without having to manually select anything.
This API is useful for filtering out any unwanted words from your text. As the previous ones, it can be used for both live and historical content moderation and you can manually review any content that was not automatically filtered.


Which one should I choose?

Well, we think that all these APIs are very good and will help you achieve your goals, but if we have to recommend one, we will say that we think Bad Words Filter API is the best option.


Because it offers all the benefits of the other APIs we have already mentioned, but at the same time it has some additional features that make it unique and stand out from all the other options available on the market.
With this tool, not only will you be able to filter out unwanted words, but you will also reduce time because all the process is done automatically.

To make use of it, you must first:
1- Go to Bad Words Filter API and simply click on the button “Subscribe” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

Alejandro Brega

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