Beginners` Guide For Using SIC Codes LookUp API In 2022

A classification that is used extensively in business is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). The SIC code is a unique identifier for each company and its industry. It can be used by different companies within the same industry to identify each other, to learn about your competitors and clients, and it is the information governmental agencies and financial institutions use to assign promotions and benefits.

The SIC code is a three to eight digit long identification, which represents the industry, and the sub-industry. For example, if a company’s SIC code is 1711, it means that it belongs to the mining industry. The first two digits represent mining (17), while the last two represent oil and gas extraction (11). The first letter of the SIC code represents the sectoral classification. There are four sectors: agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and services. Each sector has a letter assigned: A, M, O, and S. But how to access all data in the USA? It used to be done manually, which took time and effort, but developers have done their job.

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If you need data about industrial organizations you must use a specific automated tool called an API (Application Programming Interface). This is software that allows to access data from different operating systems or applications, in real time and with accuracy. There is a suite of APIs that allows to get information about company codes and their corresponding field of activities. This type of APIs is very useful for beginners because it is easy to use, intuitive, and renders the output in seconds and with full precision.

Beginners Guide To Using A SIC Codes Lookup API

If you are just starting out in this software, you may not know everything about your company’s competitors and clients. However, by using a SIC Codes LookUp API, you can get detailed information about other companies in your sector. In this way, you can learn more about your competitors´ and clients’ products, services and organization: how they market them, what their strategies are, and much more. This information will help you develop a better strategy for your company so that you can gain an edge over your competitors.

There are many APIs available on the market, but our recommendation for beginners is Company Data Slug API or Retrieve Company Information API and SIC Codes API by Zyla Labs. This suite of APIs is the most popular on the market right now. These tools allow to retrieve valuable information about any company in just a few seconds.

SIC Codes LookUp API

This means that you can get information such as: company name, phone number, email address, industry number of employees, revenue and many more details that will help industry owners learn more about their competitors and clients. To try this great API just go to Zyla Labs API Marketplace and sign up without charge for a test try. Then enter the following URL: /> .

Presently enter your bearer token in the Authorization header to authenticate yourself. Finally, enter the name of the company whose information you want to retrieve. And that’s all! You will receive all this information in just a few seconds! Try it out and your business experience will be awesome! Once you have tried how easy and fast the application is you will subscribe for good. Time and effort saving plus knowledge of the market will augment your business experience and increase your revenue.

Alejandro Brega

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