Ensure Accurate Identity Verification With Face Match Validator API

Face recognition is one of the most important biometric technologies today. As a result, it is used in a variety of applications, including security, passport control, and law enforcement. Additionally, it is used in personal devices such as smartphones and laptops. The most recent application for face recognition technology is face verification. This is used to confirm a person’s identity by comparing their facial features to those on their ID card or passport.

However, it can be difficult for developers to integrate face recognition technology into their applications; especially if they are inexperienced in programming. Luckily, there is an easy solution; and that is using a face recognition API. This tool allows you to quickly compare two faces and determine whether they belong to the same person or not. It also provides you with precise measurements of the differences between the two faces, which can help you improve your application’s security and accuracy.

How Can You Ensure Accurate Identity Verification With A Face Recognition API?

A face recognition API makes it easy for developers to add face verification functionality to their applications. It works by comparing two images and determining whether they belong to the same person. This can be useful for verifying identities in various situations, such as at the door of an office building or a security checkpoint. 

Furthermore, a face recognition API can also be used to improve the accuracy of face verification systems. By comparing the two images using the API, developers can identify any errors in the system’s facial recognition algorithm. This can help them improve the system’s accuracy in the future! Therefore, if you are looking for a tool that can help you ensure accurate identity verification; we suggest using the Face Match Validator API

Face Match Validator API

The Face Match Validator API is a trustworthy and secure tool that can help you ensure accurate identity verification! It works by comparing images using mathematical methods. It can detect and compare features in an image using pixel-by-pixel comparison to determine whether they match. This tool offers a JSON response, which includes details such as the degree of similarity between the two faces being compared. A higher confidence level means a more accurate match!

How To Use This API

To begin using this API, just sign up at the Zyla API Hub and subscribe to the Face Match Validator API. After that, select the right endpoint, complete the necessary fields, and send an API call. Please be aware that this API only offers two endpoints—”create task” and “retrieve result task”—through which you can receive a complete response.

To better illustrate this process, we replace the URLs (“https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/800/cpsprodpb/BCD2/production/_129083384_trump-index-gettty2.jpg” and “https://imagenes.elpais.com/resizer/8Y8rzNcD400uAzzSjc4l4D5coRA=/1960×1470/cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/prisa/FMV5J75DOZHLVIGBIX37IOSJPE.jpg”) of the two faces we wanted to compare in the request body of the “create task” endpoint. After submitting the API request, we got the following “request ID“:

"request_id": "baf55660-c829-4b06-a793-454ca54fa4f2"

 After that, we chose the “retrieve task result” endpoint, inserted the “request ID,” and ran the API call. Then we got:

"action": "compare",
"completed_at": "2023-06-20T21:44:13+05:30",
"created_at": "2023-06-20T21:44:08+05:30",
"group_id": "123",
"request_id": "baf55660-c829-4b06-a793-454ca54fa4f2",
"result": {
"image_1": {
"face_detected": true,
"face_quality": "Good"
"image_2": {
"face_detected": true,
"face_quality": "Good"
"is_a_match": true,
"match_score": 100,
"review_recommended": false
"status": "completed",
"task_id": "123",
"type": "face"

According to the above response, Donald Trump is the subject of both images, as shown by this response’s 100% match score.

The face match validator API is ideal to ensure accurate identity verification, and it delivers the results within seconds! So what are you waiting for? Start using this amazing tool right away!

Gabriela Vinueza

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