Get Accurate SIC Codes Through This API

If you want to start a business, you must be aware of the classification system for industries that is used by statistical agencies, governmental divisions and competitors. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a system of classifying industries based on similar characteristics. This classification is used by government agencies to gather and analyze data about different industries; it also helps businesses to understand their industry’s characteristics and trends as well as their clients, potential clients and competitors.

The SIC code is a three to eight digit number assigned to each industry. It consists of a combination of digits that represent the industry’s type, as well as the economic branch in which it is located. Therefore, if you want to know what type of business you are dealing with, or what kind of services or products they provide, the first thing you should do is look at their SIC code. But what if you don’t know the SIC code of your competitors? Or, what if you are just starting your own business and do not know how to find your own SIC code? You can do it manually, as it used to be performed in the past, or save time and effort using the most efficient software that developers make available to us.

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What Is An API And Which One Can I Use To Get Accurate SIC Codes?

SIC Codes LookUp API

An API, or application programming interface, is a piece of software that allows two programs to communicate with one another in order to request and retrieve data. In other words, an API is a bridge between two different programs which allows to exchange data and functions. Therefore, if one program does not have the specific feature that the other one has, the API will allow them to use it anyway. The software is integrated with Artificial Intelligence, that allows to generate algorithms which update your database constantly with new models.


If you need an API for getting SIC codes, we recommend using a SIC Codes API. This is specific for providing businesses with accurate data about companies, such as their name, address, industry sector, and more. Additionally, since these kinds of APIs are constantly updating their database with new models, they are ideal for discovering emerging companies and products in various sectors. Therefore, we recommend to use an API called Company Data Slug API. This one is a reliable tool that has recently gained popularity due to its effectiveness. With this API at your disposal, you can search for any company by name or by SIC code.

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How To Get Accurate SIC Codes Using This API

First of all, create an account on Zyla API Hub website. When you finish this process, you will be given an API key. You must authenticate your API key by including your bearer token in the Authorization header. Finally, use the endpoint Company Search and enter the company name or SIC code in order to get all relevant information about them. Then make the call to Company Data Slug API, and wait for a few seconds. And that’s it! The rest is up to SIC Codes LookUp API. It will deliver all of the requested information in no time!

You will have certainty of dealing with consistent organizations, and in this way augment your database with stolid companies that will allow to increase your revenue and improve your position in the market. Try it today!

Alejandro Brega

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