Implementing RealTime Image Quality Assessment API

Do you want to implement a real-time image quality assessment API? If so, keep reading!

At this point, no one doubts that working on the positioning of our website is important if we want our target customer to visit it. Working on an SEO strategy is essential for this and it can be done through content, but also through images.

The Importance Of Images

Internet users consume more and more visual content. The text is very important since it searches through keywords. However, once he launches the search… Ta-da! He goes directly to the “images” option.

In this case, the search engine performs its search among the thousands of images on the network, which have been named before being uploaded with the keywords of the moment. Seems obvious, doesn’t it?

Well, this is something that many companies, too many, do not stop to think about when uploading their images. And that is why it is an opportunity for those that do take care of this aspect before publishing the images that accompany their posts.

Image Optimization: Quality Assessment

Luckily, there is a way to ensure that the images you share online are of high quality. This is by using an image quality assessment API. An API is an interface, a tool that allows connecting different software by sharing their databases and allowing them to easily implement external functions to a platform.

An image quality assessment API is a tool that enables you to evaluate the quality of an image. It does so by analyzing the image’s color, contrast, and other factors that impact visual clarity. Then, it returns a score that indicates how good the image is in terms of visual clarity.

Why Should I Use An Image Quality Assessment API?

Poor-quality images can lower the conversion rate and even damage your brand’s reputation. Overall, using an image quality assessment API will help you improve your website’s or app’s user experience; while also increasing your sales and conversions!

So, if you want to implement a real-time image quality assessment API; we advise you to use Face Blur API. This one is a reliable and secure API that can be found on the Zyla API Hub, and it’s perfect for anyone looking for a reliable tool to help assess an image’s quality!

How To Use Face Blur API

Face Blur API is a simple and user-friendly tool that can be found on Zyla API Hub. In order to use it effectively; you must first create an account on this trustworthy API marketplace. After that, you’ll get a unique combination of letters and numbers that will be used every time you make an API call; this combination will be known as your personal key.

The next step is to authenticate your API key; which you can do by including your bearer token in the authorization header. After that, you can start making requests to Face Blur API. which will return the blurred face image’s URL.

Related post: Exploring The Possibilities Of The Blur Face API

To make use of it, go to Face Blur API and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.

Alejandro Brega

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