Is It Viable To Obtain Live Cattle Apr 2024 Via An API?

herd of cows on grassland

Cattle are one of the most common livestock in the world, with more than 1.6 billion. Nowadays, there is a lot of interest in cattle because they can be used for many purposes, including farming and ranching. Most cattle are raised for their meat, but they are also raised for their milk, leather, and other products. It is estimated that there are more than 1 million cattle farms in the world, with approximately 40 million head of cattle on them. In the United States alone, there are more than 30 million head of cattle.

Cattle’s price fluctuation, as with any other commodity, relies on supply and demand. Financial contracts known as “cattle futures” enable market players to buy or sell cattle at a fixed price and future date. These futures contracts are used for hedging and speculation on the price of cattle and are traded on commodities markets like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).

Live cattle prices APIs have become so popular and necessary to make smart trading and business decisions around cattle. It provides users with information about cattle prices in real time. The API retrieves this information and sends it to the user in an easy-to-understand way. This way, you will be able to know more about these animals in a matter of seconds! These types of APIs are perfect for anyone who wants to get information about cattle easily and quickly. There are many APIs on the internet, but not all of them are dependable or user-friendly. For this reason, we recommend using the commodities API

Commodities API

The commodities API is an Application Programming Interface that provides access to data and information related to commodities markets. It allows developers to retrieve real-time and historical data on various commodities such as agricultural products, energy resources, precious metals, and more. The best part is that the cattle market is not an exception. The commodities API was designed by programmers who focus on building APIs. As a result, you can rely on the fact that the data we offer is accurate. Not to mention, avoiding the development of new programs can save time and money for future developers.

Use It By Simply Completing These Steps

The commodities API works with a user-friendly system, which means that it is very simple to use and understand. To obtain data with this API, all you need to do is sign up at the Commodities API! Depending on your needs, use the various API endpoints, the symbols, and the currencies the API offers. After providing all the details, simply click “run” to initiate the necessary API call. In just a few seconds, you will have all the information you need! 

Taking into account the information we’re looking for, which is the live cattle price for April 2024 (LCJ24), we selected the “latest rates” endpoint, the “USD” currency, and the code “LCJ24“. After the API call, we got the following:


According to the above-mentioned solution, 0.0054429174037284 cattle units are the same as one US dollar.

Thanks to live cattle prices APIs are very practical for obtaining cattle pricing information. Although the commodities API is not restricted to providing data on this asset, the information it provides is very complete as it offers access to data in real-time, in the past, and more. Try it out now!

Gabriela Vinueza

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