Is There A Way To Use SIC Codes With An API?

If you have a company that deals and interacts with a lot of different industries, chances are you have to use SIC codes. This means that you have to classify your business in a certain way and identify your suppliers, vendors, purchasers by their SIC codes. This way, you can better track down all companies` data and be able to work with them  more easily. When it comes to SIC codes, there are different systems, all with the aim of assigning an ID to every business in the market. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was developed in the last century and is constantly being updated, but there are others for Europe as well. This is a system that classifies companies dividing them into division, sector, group and class, according to the primary line of activity. But, it also provides more specific information about the company’s background.

Manual search in the different systems is awkward today, as it takes too long a time and too much effort for an inaccurate result that is not worth the trouble. This is where an API comes into play. An application programming interface (API) is a set of functions and procedures that allow two software components to communicate with one another. This means that an API works as a bridge between different programs so that they can communicate with each other to render the expected result, by just typing the name or URL of the firm you are looking for.
Inteligencia Artificial, Cerebro, Pensar, Direccion

SIC codes can be scraped in the various systems with Get SIC Codes From Company URL API. This is an efficient tool powered with Artificial Intelligence and integrated with SIC Codes LookUp API, Company Data Slug API, Company`s Line Of Business API, Retrieve Company Information API and others. This way you can easily spot a company, validate its authenticity and find sensitive information, to make sure you are dealing with a solid structure. You can easily integrate it into your current software as it supports all systems and languages.

SIC Codes LookUp API

Get SIC Codes From Company URL API is one of the most popular APIs in the market for its efficiency and simplicity of use. It only takes three steps to get all the information you need from this API: first subscribe to receive your personal API access key; then add your bearer token to the Authorization header; finally get a SIC code from the company´s URL endpoint. As a result, when using this API you will get the most accurate output in just a few seconds.

To make use of it, you must first go to SIC Codes LookUp API and simply click on the button “Subscribe ” to start using the API. After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you will be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you will be able to use, connect, and manage APIs. Use the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for. Once you find your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

Ease-of-use, efficiency, accuracy, reliability…the output is easily understood as it is in JSON, so there is nothing to worry about. You will improve your commercial experience, get knowledge of the latest market trends, learn about your suppliers and vendors, competitors and potential partners. All this will lead to increasing your revenue, and your business will grow!

Alejandro Brega

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