Look Up SIC Companies Information Through This API

SIC stands for Standard Industrial Classification and it is a code that is assigned to companies throughout the world to identify name, location, primary activity, size of staff, phone numbers, email address and all the information any private or public organization may need for various purposes. Governmental agencies and banking institutions will track down this information for granting special programs and promotions. Private companies will track them down to learn about competitors, clients and potential clients, potential partners, suppliers, etc.

The SIC Code is a combination of letters assigned by the activity and numbers (up to 8 digits depending on the system) corresponding to division and sub-division. It was originally developed by the US Census Bureau in the 1960s and it has been of ample use, so that it has transcended to other countries in Europe. If you need to know about industry trends, or analyze companies` background and performance, this is the best way to find out data. The search used to be done manually, which wasted time and effort. Developers have devised automated software to perform it fast, accurately and efficiently.

Industria, Industria 4, Web, Red, Puntos, Mano, Dedo


What Is An API?

The acronym stands for Application Programming Interface. It is software that connects with other APIs, with a distinct function. Interface is a contract of service between two applications. This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses. APIs have been developed to make our life and work easier.

What Is SIC Codes LookUp API?

If you want to find the SIC code of companies to learn about its details, you should try this API. It is powered with Artificial Intelligence and integrates with other APIs for the same purpose (Company Data Slug API, Company`s Line Of Business API and Retrieve Company Information API) to render the best, fastest and most accurate solution.

SIC Codes LookUp API

This suite of APIs is an application programming interface that allows you to obtain information about any company in the world. This API is very useful for marketing teams who want to gather information about their target companies, or for people who want to know more about a specific company, in just one click!

How To Use It?

It is extremely simple to use this API. You just need to follow these steps: after registering and getting an access key, you will have to authenticate your API key before you can start sending requests to any of the APIs available in the ZylaLabs API Hub. Then include your bearer token in the Authorization header to authenticate your API key. To access SIC Codes LookUp API, just provide it with the name of the company you want information about and make an API call. And that’s it! You will immediately receive all of this information in JSON format. So what are you waiting for? Try this amazing tool and see how easy it is!

Benefits of the API

You will gain time as the software performs the actions in real time. You will not waste effort, and such time and effort will be invested on productivity which will improve. You do not need a team of experts for this purpose as anyone can operate the search very easily. Your industrial experience will optimize, and your revenue will consequently increase. So what are you waiting for? Try this amazing tool and see how easy it is!

Alejandro Brega

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