Powerful Facial Verification Service With Face Match Validator API

Facial verification services, also known as facial recognition or facial authentication services, use facial biometrics to verify or authenticate the identity of an individual based on their facial features. This is done by comparing the person’s face with those present in the database, and determining how similar they are. For this, it uses artificial intelligence (AI), which is a computer system that can learn, reason, and solve problems as humans do.

The use of an API for facial verification is one of the most popular ways to implement this technology. It allows developers to create applications that are simple to use and require little effort. This is due to the fact that they use artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that are able to detect and analyze faces in images automatically. Furthermore, a facial verification service API is a great tool for developers who want to create applications that are secure and reliable. This is because the API uses cutting-edge technology to identify faces in images with great accuracy. This enables developers to create applications that can accurately identify and authenticate users based on their faces!

However, not all APIs available on the Internet are safe to use and provide accurate results. That is why, if you’re looking for a powerful facial verification service with an API that works well; we suggest using the Face Match Validator API. This one is offered by Zyla API Hub, a reputable API marketplace.

Face Match Validator API 

The Face Match Validator API is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool that allows you to quickly and easily compare two images for similarity. In addition, it provides precise results by simply using an URL image as a parameter for its endpoint! After analyzing the photos, the face match validator API will provide a similarity score to determine how similar the images are. 

How does it work?

After signing up in the Zyla API Hub, go to the Face Match Validator API and simply click on the button “Subscribe” to start using the API. Then employ the two provided endpoints (“create task” and “retrieve result task”) to get a full response. Finally, make the API call, and the API will return the matching score.

For example, we simply provided the two image URLs (https://www.eluniverso.com/resizer/enIyz7TJ4b4D6jH-gL_Canu_3gA=/660×371/smart/filters:quality(70)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/eluniverso/26STVQUY45HHJI7J2ONZWXZD4Y.jpg and https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/B2C1/production/_99516754_gettyimages-902386684.jpg we wanted to compare as inputs in the request body form of the “create task” command. After running the API call, we got:

"request_id": "9e38dbe4-8b6e-4852-a29e-406ef2a27009"

Secondly, we added the above response as input in the “retrieve task result” endpoint box. That’s all! Find the full answer below:

"action": "compare",
"completed_at": "2023-06-22T05:54:32+05:30",
"created_at": "2023-06-22T05:54:28+05:30",
"group_id": "123",
"request_id": "9e38dbe4-8b6e-4852-a29e-406ef2a27009",
"result": {
"image_1": {
"face_detected": true,
"face_quality": "Good"
"image_2": {
"face_detected": true,
"face_quality": "Good"
"is_a_match": true,
"match_score": 100,
"review_recommended": false
"status": "completed",
"task_id": "123",
"type": "face"

According to this response’s 100% match rating, we determined that Oprah Winfrey is the person in both images.

If you are looking for a powerful facial verification service API; we advise using the Face Match Validator API. This reliable API is available on the Zyla API Hub, a trustworthy API marketplace. With this tool at your disposal, you will be able to quickly and easily verify any face in an image! So what are you waiting for? This is an excellent choice for you!

Gabriela Vinueza

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