Reap The Benefits Of Face Analysis API

Are you a developer who wants to create a face recognition app? If so, you should use a face analysis API to reap the benefits of face recognition. In this article, we’ll explain how to get started with one.

How To Reap The Benefits Of Face Analysis API

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, as you may know. You can find automated solutions almost in every business area. And as hard as it can sound, humans are everyday less needed. Computers can deliver information, research on topics, solve difficult operations, in almost no-time. This is actually pretty encouraging for us, since we can make smarter choices, and avoid boring tasks, or improving our security or our income, for example.

It’s really interesting how it works: one application can communicate with another, or with a website or with another device. That way, a server provides information for systems to approach it. In the case you’re looking for, a face recognition system would simplify the security of a business, among other solutions. But taking the time to search for every face from every camera installed would be an incredibly hard work, that would take too long. That’s why an API is needed, to connect the system to a huge database that can identify the people on every frame of the videos produced by the cameras. An API can be used to compare faces, so as to verify identity or detect fraud. This can be useful for things like passport verification or bank account verification, and countless other uses.

Do You Know The Story of Face Recognition?

The process for face recognition has been evolving since its invention circa 1960. It was invented by a man called Woody Bledsoe, but after photography technology was understood, someone found a way to implement a sharper definition of the faces. It continued to improve , and they developed better technology with active near infrared images, 3D recognition, achieving great performances.

Now, to identify a person based on their facial features, Face Analysis API compares the x, y, and z geometric coordinates—which specify the topology of the face—with the coordinates of another face stored in a database. The main benefits of using this technology are its portability, speed, and accuracy as well as its low false positive rates. There are a lot of APIs out there, but not all of them provide the best solutions. So, if you’re looking for the best facial recognition APIs, we recommend Face Analysis API. It is powered with AI and Deep Learning, that add efficiency, and it is integrated with other APIs by the ZylaLabs: Face Analyzer API, Age Detection API, Gender Detection API, Face Matching API, and many others.

Face Recognition is faster and more convenient compared to other biometric technologies like fingerprints or retina scans. There are also fewer touchpoints in facial recognition compared to entering passwords or PINs. It supports multifactor authentication for additional security verification.

How Can You Start Using It?

To use the best API in the market, you will have to create an account on the Zyla API Hub website, and you’ll get your unique key by verifying your email address. Finally, submit the URL of the image you want to analyze and wait for the response. That’s all there is to it! The Face Analysis API will quickly deliver the results using its own artificial intelligence engine. So what are you waiting for? Start reaping the benefits of this amazing tool.



Alejandro Brega

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