Remove Handwritten Text With This Machine Learning API

Are you trying to find a good API that can remove handwritten text? You should keep reading this article!
Handwriting is a form of communication that is often overlooked ever since we found ourselves in the digital age. We are accustomed to typing instead of writing, and we are accustomed to reading what others have written instead of what they have handwritten.
Handwriting is a lost art. It is something that many children no longer learn how to do because they spend so much time using computers, tablets, and smartphones. It is a skill that we may miss in the future, but for now, it makes for some fun party tricks.
Handwriting is also a great way to express yourself when you don’t have access to a keyboard or if you need to keep your writing private.

Handwriting and learning to read | A Moment of Science - Indiana Public  Media

Handwriting In Images

Sometimes either artist or companies add to their images or videos handwritten words in order to let everybody know that that piece belongs to them. But, this is more harmful than helpful for several reasons. First of all, Digital handwriting rarely result in more sales.It might be able to prevent someone from duplicating and reproducing a favorite image, but it will typically also deter them from wanting to buy a print. Because they don’t have to and because doing so could result in legal action, the typical business won’t steal a picture that is the owner’s property of an artist.

Another disadvantage is that they represent an obvious distraction. The distraction a handwritten piece might introduce into the image is one of the main issues brought up by viewers. Some photographers and businesses handwriting an image heavily in the middle, confirming copyright but hiding the topic. If the watermark is too big or too dark, the viewer will only be able to focus on it, which will give them a bad impression. Digital handwriting, which embeds copyright information into the image, removes an obtrusive watermark but may soften the image as a whole. Any kind of handwriting can take attention away from the actual image.

Watermark and Handwriting Remover API

So we need an API that can help us to get rid of all these disadvantages. We recommend this API: The Watermark and Handwriting Remover API which can be found in the Zyla Labs API Hub
With this API you can remove any kind of handwriting from an image easily. Just follow these steps:
1- Go to Watermark and Handwriting Remover API and simply click on the button “Subscribe for free” to start using the API.
2- After signing up in Zyla API Hub, you’ll be given your personal API key. Using this one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters, you’ll be able to use, connect, and manage APIs!
3- Employ the different API endpoints depending on what you are looking for.
4- Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.
And that’s all! The image will be ready for use! This API is perfect for those companies who work with images and need to have clean texts from their customers.

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The user will pass the URL of the image they want to process and will be receiving a new URL with the cleaned text. That’s all!
Receive new images with handwritten text with clean text and also you can choose between receiving an image URL or a based version of it. And yes, both are available, so don’t worry about receiving either one.

Alejandro Brega

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