The Ultimate API To Obtain Accurate SIC Codes In UK

SIC codes are essential for any business, as they provide information about the type of industry. This way, companies can define their market and make a better analysis of their competitors.  In addition, these codes are also used by banks and financial institutions to determine the economic viability of a company. Moreover  they are used by governmental agencies to gather data about industries and companies for statistics and tax schemes.  Therefore, it is important to have accurate SIC codes about one`s own company and the others`. They were originally designed in the USA in the 1960s, then Canada and Mexico adopted them and became part of the system, and in the 1980s the systems spread throughout the world.

SIC Codes consist of a letter that indicates the industrial division or primary activity (Mining, Agriculture, Service, Manufacturing, etc.) followed by a sequence of up to eight digits to indicate sub-division or secondary activity plus category and sub-categories. In this way the code constitutes an ID of every firm that serves various purposes for businesses: learn about market trends, get knowledge of products and services by competitors, become aware of potential partners, vendors and purchasers, with the ultimate aim of improving its commercial experience, increasing sales, have certainty of being on safer ground and making better decisions for one`s firm.

Londres, Visita Turística, London Eye, Teléfono

Surfing the systems manually would be impossible as there are so many firms, and the output would surely be inaccurate. So developers have devised software to scrape the web to spot a company, check its authenticity and get information about it in real time, with accuracy and without effort. Thus, if you do not use the right tools, you can end up with wrong codes and data. There are APIs that can help you obtain accurate SIC codes in UK without any expertise. These platforms work based on Artificial Intelligence, which means that they are able to learn on their own and provide only the most suitable results. All you need is a computer or a smartphone and an internet connection! So, if you need to obtain accurate SIC codes in UK, we recommend using an API that is recently becoming popular due to its efficiency: Get SIC Codes API.

SIC Codes LookUp API

This API is the best one available in the market right now because it offers accurate results in just a few seconds. You can use it whenever you want and without any restriction. Moreover, it supports all types of devices so you can integrate it within any system or language, and is friendly with all applications. Get SIC Codes API is part of a suite by ZylaLabs (SIC Codes LookUp API, Company Data Slug API, Company`s Line Of Business API, Retrieve Company Information API).

To obtain accurate SIC Codes in UK, first of all you need to sign up at Zyla API Hub. You will receive an API key after this process. Then, you can start making API calls. After that, you must provide the company’s domain as an endpoint and enter your SIC code as a parameter. Finally, make the API call and wait for the response! That’s all! Get SIC Codes API will provide data in just a few seconds! Zyla API Hub offers various plans so you can get more without paying extra.

Alejandro Brega

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