Best 3 APIs To Track Your Website Performance

Are you looking for a tool to track your website performance? Then, this article is for you because here we will introduce you to the best 3 APIs to track your website performance. So, stay here and read the following lines!

Website performance is a crucial factor for your business. This is because the way your website performs impacts the way it is perceived by visitors and thus, how many users convert into leads or sales. So, if you want to improve your website performance, you must find a way to test it and find out how to improve it.

In order to be able to do that, you can use different tools that can help you with this task. However, not all of them are the best options available. Here we will introduce you to the best 3 APIs to track your website performance.

The art and science of search engine optimization (SEO) involves raising a page’s position in search engines like Google. Ranking higher in search engines can enhance a website’s traffic because search is one of the primary ways users find material online.

Paid advertisements are frequently displayed at the top of the results page in Google and other search engines, followed by the regular results, or what search marketers refer to as the “organic search results.” To distinguish it from traffic that comes from paid search, SEO traffic is frequently referred to as “organic search traffic.” Search engine marketing (SEM), often known as pay-per-click, is another name for paid search (PPC).

WebPage SEO Reporting API

This API is a fantastic option for marketing companies seeking systematic access to relevant website data. If you see that a page is not optimized sufficiently, for example, you may provide optimization services for it. This website performance API will generate a detailed SEO analysis based on the URL of your choice. a helpful tool for researching both your own website and the websites of your rivals. It examines any webpage and generates a comprehensive SEO report.

Each developer who registers receives a unique set of letters and digits called a personal API access key, which enables access to this API´s endpoint. When utilizing the WebPage SEO Reporting API REST API, all you have to do is include your bearer token in the Authorization header to authenticate.


Sematext is a powerful API monitoring tool that helps you to keep tabs on important API metrics in order to enhance the functionality, performance, and accessibility of your APIs. It has a sophisticated API monitoring notification system that you can adjust to handle a variety of scenarios based on metrics and failures. By having Sematext do additional tests before delivering a notice, you can have more precise control over the notifications you receive. In essence, it does away with false positives—alerts that are fired even while the website is perfectly functional. You can configure your alerts to only be issued at specific times throughout the day as an added bonus.


Due to its intrinsic simplicity, Prometheus, one of the most well-known open source monitoring tools for APIs and web services in cloud applications, is appropriate for mission-critical applications.

Prometheus offers comprehensive documentation with step-by-step instructions on how to use the tool to its full potential. It’s important to note that the official Prometheus website contains a blog devoted to investigating use cases, advice, and features authors utilizing Prometheus in their regular operations from all around the world. Prometheus lacks the data analysis capabilities that you would often find in an out-of-the-box API monitoring tool due to the way it operates.

Alejandro Brega

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